This talk will propose a novel framework for unmaned aerial vehicle (UAV) networks with massive access capability supported by non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA). In order to better understand NOMA enabled UAV networks, three case studies are carried out. We first provide performance evaluation of NOMA enabled UAV networks by adopting stochastic geometry to model the positions of UAVs and ground users. Then we investigate the joint trajectory design and power allocation for static NOMA users based on a simplified two-dimensional (2D) model that UAV is flying around at fixed height. As a further advance, we demonstrate the UAV placement issue with the aid of machine learning techniques when the ground users are roaming and the UAVs are capable of adjusting their positions in three-dimensions (3D) accordingly. With these case studies, we can comprehensively understand the UAV systems from fundamental theory to practical implementation.

Yuanwei Liu is an assistant professor in School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), London. His research interests include internet of things (IoT), resource allocation in 5G networks, stochastic geometry and machine learning. He has published more than 70 Journal and Conference papers in these areas with 1700+ citations and H-index of 17. He received the received the Exemplary Reviewer Certificate of the IEEE wireless communication letters in 2015, the IEEE transactions on communications in 2016 and 2017. Currently, he is in the editorial board of serves as an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications, the IEEE communication letters and the IEEE access. He also serves as a guest editor for IEEE JSTSP special issue on "Signal Processing Advances for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Next Generation Wireless Networks " and special Issue “Towards Service-Centric Internet of Things (IoT): From Modeling to Practice" in IEEE Access. He serves the publicity Co-Chair for VTC-2017. He served as the TPC Member for many IEEE conferences, such as GLOBECOM and ICC.