With increasing demand for dense gigabit speed backhaul and fronthaul in metros and with fiber remaining too expensive, there is increasing move to find wireless solutions. One ecosystem looking at this is mmWave Distribution Networks (MDN) that are loosely based on WiFi 11ad chipsets to build metro “Wireless Fiber” mesh networks. This talk will describe current eco-system, technology, trials, challenges and the obvious dilemmas. 802.11ay has now made MDN a use case and adding features to support it.

Professor (Emeritus) Arogyaswami Paulraj joined Stanford University in 1991. In 1992 he proposed the MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) concept which is the key to today’s 4G cellular and WiFi wireless networks. Paulraj is the author of over 350 research papers, two textbooks and a co-inventor in 66 US patents. He is an ISI Thompson Highly Cited Researcher.
Paulraj has won over a dozen awards in the US, notably the 2011 IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal and the 2014 Marconi Prize and Fellowship, both top awards for telecommunications technology pioneers. He is a fellow of eight national engineering/science academies including those in the US, China, India and Sweden. He is a fellow of IEEE and AAAS.
In 1999, Paulraj founded Iospan Wireless Inc - which developed and established MIMOOFDMA wireless as the core 4G technology. Intel Corporation acquired Iospan in in 2003. In 2004, Paulraj co-founded Beceem Communications Inc. The company became the market leader in 4G-WiMAX semiconductor and was acquired by Broadcom Corp. in 2010.
During his 30 years in the Indian (Navy) (1961-1991), he founded three national level laboratories in India and headed one of India’s most successful military R&D projects –APSOH sonar. He received over a dozen awards (many at the national level) in India including the Padma Bhushan.