
/ Study in BUPT

Green Network and Big Data

主讲人 :Prof. Jinsong Wu (University of Chile) 地点 :新科研楼610会议室 开始时间 : 2018-07-06 15:00 结束时间 : 2018-07-06 17:00


Although the term of green has been often used to refer to energy consumption reduction or energy efficiency by many people and literatures, green actually should refer to environmental sustainability in more general senses. Environmental sustainability issues have been important topics for recent years, which has impacted and will further impact individuals, enterprises, governments, and societies. Environmental sustainability is not simply regarding reducing the amount of waste or using less energy, but relevant to developing processes leading to completely sustainable human society in the future. The long term consequences of the relevant serious issues have not yet been fully forecasted, but it has been generally accepted in many communities that immediate responses are necessary. From 30 November to 12 December 2015, the 21th United Nations Climate Change Conferences of the Parties (COP 21) was held in Paris, France, as the historical breakthrough and milestone towards securing the future Earth, a global agreement on the reduction of climate change, the text of which represented a consensus of the representatives of more than 193 countries attending it, which was a profound milestone for global environmental sustainability. Nowadays there is another significant tendency on how to process the enormous amount of data, big data. An interesting question is whether there are inherent correlations between the two tendencies in general. To answer this question, this talk would address how to green big data systems in terms of the whole life cycle of big data processing as well as big data technologies towards various green objectives.


Jinsong Wu现任智利大学电子工程系教授。在20129月,Jinsong Wu教授作为主要的编辑及合著者出版了“Green Communications: Theoretical Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Applications”一书。由他合著的论文“Big Data Meet Green Challenges: Big Data Toward Green Applications”,获得了2017IEEE System Journal的最佳论文奖。他还有三篇论文获得了IEEE conference 的最佳论文奖。他被选为IEEE Environmental Engineering Initiative (EEI)的技术活动副主席。他是绿色通信与计算技术委员会(The Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing, TCGCC创始人及创始主席;是大数据技术委员会(the Technical Committee on Big Data, TCBD)的合作创始人和副主席。他是“IEEE Green Journals/Transactions”的首位申请者;是“Green Communication and Computing Networks of the IEEE Communications”杂志的创始人和系列编辑;是IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking杂志的领域编辑。2016年,在IEEE Communications Society的会议上,他提出了有关普遍性和广泛性覆盖话题的大数据跟踪问题。在2012年,他在“Green Communication Systems and Networks of the Selected Areas in Communications Symposium”的研讨会上担任合作主席和副主席。在2013年,他是IEEE国际绿色计算与通信国际会议(IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications)的大会主席。在20122013年,他是IEEE绿色通信在线会议(IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications)的技术项目委员会主席。他是在20142017年秋季举行的有关绿色通信和网络的IEEE汽车技术会议(Green Communications and Networks, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference)的联合主席。他在IEEE环境工程项目的第一届IEEE环境工程会议(IEEE Environmental Engineering Conference)担任技术项目联合主席



