报告题目: Mitigating Distributed Denial of Services Attacks: An Economic Model
报告人:Ziping Wang (王子萍)
主持人:王励成 副教授
摘要: The use of a multitude of compromised and globally distributed devices and Internet connections makesDistributed denial of service (DDoS) attackone of the most difficult cyber threats to defend against. Different from the traditional ways with the focus on detecting and stopping malicious users and requests, we propose avirtual economic model which aims at effectively preventing malicious traffic by employing micro-payments to each coming request. The entire targeted network imitates an economic society where a credit system is established based on the micro-payment records of all devices and network connections. Along with the credit system, the utility theory is applied in determining the micro-payment of each coming request. The long-run equilibrium in such virtual economic network stateslegitimateclients are free of charge. By additional experiments, we illustrate the efficiency of such economic model in blocking bad requests.
王子萍,美国Morgan 州立大学商学院信息管理系助理教授。本科毕业于南京大学运筹系,并于威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校取得运作管理博士学位。现从事电子商务,信息系统,网络安全,全球供应链管理,港口物流等方面的研究。在运作管理和信息系统领域发表了多篇高质量论文,其中部分被收录于Annals of Operations Research 以及Journal of the Operational Research Society 等国际高级期刊。同时担任多本国际学术期刊的特邀审稿人,编委,及著名国际学术会议的委员会委员。